By Juan Mann
Following in the footsteps of former Immigration and Naturalization Service Commissioner Doris Meissner, Julie L. Myers, the newly-appointed Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) probably has more women in top management positions at her side in the federal immigration bureaucracy than ever before.
But with all this highly-paid female brainpower in the new ICE management team — like Julie’s assistants Marcy (Investigations), Traci (Professional Responsibility) and Cynthia (Intelligence) — maybe someone would finally tell the public exactly how and where to report illegal aliens and criminal alien residents?
Still not one lousy press release on the subject … ever!
In the continuing saga of reporting aliens, the frequently-asked questions link on is still probably the best how-to source for filing your own ICE report in a non-border area.
Please post this information on your refrigerator for easy access:
We get these emails every day. Americans are desperate. But we have no special powers over these matters …
Other than calling a nearby U.S. Border Patrol station — if you're so fortunate as to have one close by — ringing up the DHS/ICE is the only other way, folks.
Needless to say, calling ICE to "report suspicious activity" at (866) 347-2423 provides no guarantee that anything is going to be done with the information. Maybe ICE might sit up and take notice if citizens started calling in with Most Wanted [PDF] criminal alien sightings instead?
Or maybe there’s some sort of ICE policy that if the alien reported isn’t on the Most Wanted list, it goes straight into the "circular file"? Who knows?
And who cares? Reporting aliens means the bureaucrats have to start a file. Which means a paper chain implicating them exists on the day that a President is inaugurated who intends to uphold the law. That will eventually make inaction less appealing.
Of course, the evidence of inaction is outrageous.
Consider this recent e-mail from a reader:
Date: Feb. 17, 2006
Subject: reporting illegals
"Why is [it] that DHS/ICE agency does not do anything when they receive a report from a concerned citizen like me? I have made a report back in October 2005 and that person [is] still around. Thanks for the information you provided me in the past on how to report illegals. I got it. Now that is my only question or concern … again, Thanks."
So there you have it, folks. Another bona-fide ICE report that went nowhere … confirmed by a courageous reader.
And just as writer D.A. King found out for himself, writing personal letters, arranging meetings, even sitting right in front of an ICE Special Agent and showing him where illegal aliens live doesn’t guarantee any federal government action either.
Is there any chance that the new ICE Princesses — Julie, Marcy, Cynthia and Traci — maybe will change things? Or are these gals part of the immigration non-enforcement Master Plan, just like the Bush Administration wants it?
If that’s the game, they just might be the ideal candidates for the job after all!
But, for now, America’s law-abiding citizens, immigrants and non-immigrants are still left out in the cold when it comes to reporting immigration scofflaws and criminals. They're also left in the dark about what happens (if anything) as a result of their reports.
Still — take heart! This situation can’t go on for much longer. Email to is just a harbinger of the coming upheaval. Congress and the Bush Administration can’t keep up their phony immigration enforcement charade forever.
Juan Mann is an attorney and the proprietor of He writes a weekly column for and contributes to Michelle Malkin’s Immigration BLOG.