The murderous race war against whites that VDARE.com has covered for its 19 years has entered a new and in some ways more chilling and potentially dangerous phase. I believe the time has come for victims to consider legal action.
Actual anti-white attacks, say, with a sucker punch to the side of the head from a black thug playing the knockout game — or, even worse, suffering a visit from the Carr Brothers — are bad enough.
But now the Cultural Marxist Left and its Main Stream Media spear carriers want to punish and even criminalize whites who even try to stop such crimes by calling 911.
The new way to strike fear into the hearts of the white man or woman who calls 911: dox and destroy any white who reports blacks “doing “everyday activities.” The premise: those whites are racist, and must be publicly humiliated, and where possible, personally, professionally and financially destroyed.
Doxxing might just be the half of it. LaTanya Garrett, right, a black state legislator in Michigan has called for laws criminalizing whites who call the police on blacks. [New Michigan bill would stop 911 calls for breathing while black by Rochelle Riley, Detroit Free Press, September 7, 2018]
The focus is on white women, known by the racial slur Beckys, when they call 911. Typically, they are alarmed by blacks who refuse to obey laws or rules everyone else must follow. Then the MSM vigilantes say they’re only “doing everyday activities.” Someone films the encounter, which might involve police, then the MSM and/or racial activists dox the women and try to ruin them.
One of the worst cases this year: the Philadelphia Starbucks Hoax. [Smearing the Smearers, by David Cole, Taki’s, April 24, 2018]
Two black men sat down in the coffee emporium without ordering. They obviously wanted to be arrested, and waited and waited for a white employee to tell them they had to order something. But the employees studiously ignored them. Then the men asked a counter clerk for the key to use the bathroom, which is for paying customers only.
Following her training, the white woman manager asked the men to either order or leave. The men refused. Again following her training, the manager called police. They asked the men several times to leave, and again, they refused. The cops, following their training, arrested them.
Antiwhite activist Melissa DePino was in the Starbucks. She video-recorded and spread the hoax through social media.
DePino repeatedly stated that the man did nothing wrong and were waiting for a friend. [Woman Who Shared Philadelphia Starbucks Arrest Video Tells Her Story, by Victor Fiorillo, Phillymag.com, April 14, 2018]
That, of course, is a lie. Two legitimate authorities at the store told them leave. They refused. That’s trespassing.
Amusingly, the two men turned the original aims of the civil rights movement on its head. Lunch-counter sit-in activists simply wanted to eat in segregated restaurants. The Philly hoaxers trespassed and refused to order in an integrated restaurant.
Sorry, but you can’t just occupy space in a restaurant without ordering, even when waiting for friend. I was once booted from a Greek joint after my friend arrived and were ready to order.
Memo to DePino (who afterward launched an antiwhite outfit, From Privilege to Progress): We have something in America called private property.
Of course, DePino, whose Twitter-page background is a piece of art that says “This Doesn’t Happen To White People,” doesn’t care about that.
On cue, Starbucks chieftain Kevin Johnson fired the white woman manager (race can beat gender if both are involved), and publicly apologized to the trespassers [‘I Personally Apologize.’ Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson Speaks Out After Black Men Arrested in Philadelphia Store, by Kate Samuelson, Time, April 16, 2018]. Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross Jr. initially defended his officers, but then recalled that he was black and they were white. So he, too, apologized. [Philadelphia’s top cop apologizes to black men arrested at Starbucks, by Ray Sanchez and Olivia Kiely, CNN, April 19, 2018]
A farago of the usual “news” stories followed, all with the same narrative: racist white woman and racist white cops roust two innocent black men who just wanted to use the bathroom.
After the Philly Starbucks hoax, the inevitable avalanche of similar anti-white-woman stories began. Race hustlers and anti-white media even gave cute nicknames to the white women. We read about “Barbeque Becky” and “Permit Patty.” But somehow, the woman who called campus police on a black coed napping in a dormitory common area didn’t deserve her own handle. I humbly suggest “Sleepy Sarah.”
Taki’s brilliant columnist David Cole followed up on several of the prominent cases, and found that every single one was a hoax. [Racial Immunity, June 19, 2018]
Nevertheless, The New York Times revived them in a sarcastic Op Ed by an angry black woman. [To the Next 'BBQ Becky': Don’t Call 911. Call 1-844-WYT-FEAR, October 22, 2018]
Newsflash for the angry black woman: Not enforcing laws and rules on blacks makes life miserable for whites. As James Fulford and Ann Coulter recently reminded us, not enforcing those laws and rules can have consequences: “Dead Beckys.”
I’m happy to help the angry black woman produce a video about that, but anyway, here are a few of the lynchings of white women who called cops. The first one, quite clearly, didn’t want to become a “Dead Becky.”
Of course, Toles’s video went viral with headlines like one on NBC: White Woman Attempts To Block Black Man From Entering His Apartment Building.[New viral videos again highlight calls made on black people who have done nothing wrong, by Elisha Fieldstadt, October 13, 2018] Note that Toles either refuses or is unable to comprehend or acknowledge why she won’t let him in the building.
Anyone viewing it learned Thornton’s exact address and apartment number, and unsurprisingly, she has reported receiving death threats.
A neighbor defended her and said she always refuses strangers entry, and Thornton — who, Fox News reports, “is still legally married to an African-American man” — showed the reporter emails from board members emphasizing that she was not to permit any strangers to enter the building. The board’s president and one other member defended her privately to the reporter — but refused to do so publicly. [Woman in viral video with black man speaks out after being fired, defends her actions by Vic Faust, Fox2Now St. Louis, October 16, 2018.]
The truth mattered not. “Apartment Patty,” the world learned, was just another intolerable white racist calling the cops on a black man doing an “everyday thing.” Her employer fired her.
She should have had him arrested, but she must have known that wasn’t going to fly with her bosses.
The black thief feigned outrage at the indignity of being called a thief.
But then the company brass discovered tweets he’d deleted, going back to 2015, in which he bragged of his career as a thief and threatened to beat any woman manager who tried to stop him. He also confessed to repeatedly ripping off Chipotle.
Masud has twice been convicted of theft, including one time for over $1,000-worth of property (felony), but has never spent more than two days in jail.
Chipotle’s brass fired the manager anyway. They had “no choice.” [ Chipotle Caught Lying After Firing "Racist" Manager; Backpedals When Internet Outs Food Thief by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge, November 18, 2018]
Then Chipotle apologized and offered the manager her job back — but lied yet again, claiming it “reviewed additional facts relating to the incident” [Chipotle apologizes, offers to rehire manager seen in viral video asking customers to prepay, ABC7Eyewitness News Chicago, November 20, 2018].
The question is who all these victims of media, corporate and generic leftist racism can fight back. My answer: what any good American would do — file lawsuits!
They can start with lawsuits against employers for wrongful termination, and then the doxers, and anyone else who contacts their employers, for tortious interference; i.e., intentionally damaging a plaintiff’s contractual or business relationship with a third party.
As for the newspapers, television stations and websites, the victims should sue for defamation. Court precedents such as New York Times v. Sullivan that prevent public figures from successful claims won’t protect the defendants in these cases. These victims aren’t public figures. They can sue … and win.
Currently, they cannot sue Facebook, Twitter or other social media because those websites, under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, aren’t strictly publishers. The law treats them as community bulletin boards that do not edit or control content. That claim has become laughable given that the sites are in fact acting as publishers and editors when they demand changes and/or delete content — like mine! — they find unsuitable. But justice in this area must await legislation.
Nevertheless, the Still-Living Beckys can sue the users for defamation. Even if they don’t win, it’s worth it. Defending a defamation claim can easily cost $25,000.
This Race War On Beckys must be stopped in its tracks. And not just because innocent whites, frequently women, are being smeared. If whites are cowed into not reporting miscreant blacks, who in fact do commit wholly disproportionate amounts of crime, the result will be more “Dead Beckys” — and another step towards the subjugation of the Historic American Nation.