By Federale
Above, Takezaki Suenaga Fighting The Mongol Invasion Of 1274 — What Would He Think Of The UN?
[See also: Federale in Japan: It Works — And It Could Work In The U.S. Too]
The same forces deconstructing the United States are targeting the most successful ethno-state the world has ever known — Japan. The country politely insists on remaining a successful nation-state with one language, culture, and race, despite the relentless attacks which simultaneously deny and decry the uniqueness of the country. In the eyes of Cultural Marxists and globalists, this living rebuttal to multiculturalism cannot be allowed to exist.
A leading voice in the fight to destroy Japan: U.S.-born Jake Adelstein, a long-time resident in Japan. Adelstein [Tweet him] wages a war against the existence of the Japanese from his column at the English-language newspaper The Japan Times, which is helpfully slugged Dark Side Of The Rising Sun. The essence of a recent column was that the Japanese government is illegitimate because figures in the Cabinet “socialized” with activists whom Adelstein finds “disturbing.”
In most countries, police officers and criminals are supposed to be on opposite sides of the law, especially the higher up the chain of command you go, but Prime Minister Shinzo Abe doesn’t appear to think this is necessary.Last month, photographs surfaced showing several members of Abe’s new Cabinet socializing with members of an anti-Korean hate group known as Zainichi Tokken wo Yurusanai Shimin no Kai (more commonly known as Zaitokukai). The appearance of such images raises some disturbing issues.
Founded circa 2006, Zaitokukai is an ultranationalistic, right-wing group that seeks to eliminate the “special privileges” extended to non-Japanese who have been granted Special Foreign Resident status. These people are predominantly ethnic Koreans, many of whom were conscripted and brought to Japan as slave labor in the 1930s and ’40s. Zaitokukai also hates other non-Japanese as well — it just has a special hatred for Koreans. [Links added throughout]
[Yakuza Do What Abe Cabinet Pick Can’t, by Jake Adelstein, The Japan Times, October 4, 2014]
Well, not exactly. The issue of Koreans in Japan is not the slave laborers who were impressed into the service of the Emperor in the 1940s. Few of those are still alive, and they were free to return to Korea at the end of the war, although as it turned out many remained to enjoy the benefits of Japanese society.
But the Koreans are a red herring. The real target: Japanese nationhood itself. And the tactic to be used, as you might expect, is the suppression of free speech.
Adelstein continued:
In July, the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination urged the government to crack down on the growing number of hate-speech incidents targeting non-Japanese. The committee made special mention of Zaitokukai in its report and called on Japan to introduce legislation that specifically punishes hate crimes. The U.S. State Department has also named Zaitokukai in its annual human rights White Paper. However, Zaitokukai isn’t on a U.S. blacklist like, say, the Sumiyoshi-kai yakuza syndicate — or, at least, not yet.The National Police Agency has even touched upon Zaitokukai-related issues. “In parts of Tokyo and Osaka heavily populated by Korean-Japanese, racist right-wing groups have engaged in radical demonstrations, drawing the attention of society to the Hate-Speech problem,” the agency wrote in its White Paper on public safety.
Uh oh, “demonstrations!” Sounds like something dangerously unacceptable — like the Tea Party!
Of course, what the National Police Agency calls “hate speech” can be defined as: anything that is objectionable to the post-national Chattering Classes.
What is ominous here is the appeal to global authority, and even the position of the Obama Regime, as justifications for taking away the rights of Japanese to defend and define their own society.
The objective: to make certain kinds of speech illegal and punishable by imprisonment — precisely what the hard Left wants to do to the Tea Party and to immigration patriots.
And Adelstein is not just hating on Japan in Japan. He has started a Road Show to hawk thinly-veiled scorn of his Japanese hosts before the hysterical (anti) American Left:
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will be speaking to the United Nations this Friday, but he may not be very welcome. In late July, the United Nations’ Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination urged Japan to crack down on the growing cases of “hate speech” targeting foreign residents. The U.N. committee urged Prime Minister Abe’s administration to “firmly address manifestations of hate and racism as well as incitement to racist violence and hatred during rallies,” and create laws to rectify the situation.Recent events make it appear that the prime minister and his cabinet are not paying attention; several members of the cabinet not only appear oblivious to racism and hate speech issues, they associate with those who promote them.
[For Top Pols in Japan Crime Doesn’t Pay, But Hate Crime Does by Jake Adelstein, Daily Beast, September 26, 2014]
Notice that Adelstein doesn’t object to actual crimes. He simply wants to criminalize speech — particularly if it involves the defense of an historic nation.
This fight is international, whether it involves Hungary, Japan, or the United States. It’s not just about a war on whites anymore. It’s about a war on all peoples who want control over their own destiny — and who think that citizens should decide their own fate, not globalists and their Main Stream Media lackeys.
The blogger Federale is a 4th generation Californian and a veteran of federal law enforcement, including service in the legacy Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Department of Homeland Security, and other federal law enforcement agencies.
Federale’s opinions do not represent those of the Department of Homeland Security or the federal government, and are an exercise of rights protected by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.