By Sam Francis
[Click here to order Sam Francis' new monograph, Ethnopolitics: Immigration, Race, and the American Political Future]
If you want a vision of the future of the country (or, if you will, the country of the future), check out a story in last week’s Washington Post Metro section by Linda Perlstein about the wonderful world of "diversity" in the D.C. area’s Montgomery County and more especially its schools.
If this is the future, most Americans will want to buy a one-way ticket to the 1950s.
But to Miss Perlstein, what’s happening to Montgomery (the upscale and mainly liberal part of suburban Maryland, as opposed to the downscale and mainly liberal Prince George’s County next door) is the promise of utopia.
What’s happening is that white people are being driven out and non-whites coming in.
"Thirty-five years ago, the school system was 94 percent white; two decades ago, white students made up about 75 percent of the enrollment. Since then, racial diversity has bloomed in the county," Miss Perlstein cheerfully purrs.
There are, of course, problems, since for some reason never made quite plain, the new people who make the county so wonderfully diverse happen also to be — well — low-income.
Half the county’s schools are "mostly white and relatively affluent," but the other half "educate the vast majority of Montgomery’s poor and immigrant children. 'It is a racially, economically and language-identifiable geographic area,'" says school superintendent Jerry Weast, "similar in size and makeup to some of the nation’s larger urban school districts." "If it was a stand-alone system," Mr. Weast confesses, "it would be called a failing system." [Montgomery Schools Hit Diversity Landmark, Oct 13, 2003]
It’s not called a failing system, of course, because
(a) in this country, we don’t call non-white failure what it is, and
(b) there are still some whites in the school system to mask the failure that’s going on, but don’t imagine that will last forever.
The conflict between the two halves is already visible. "You run the risk of creating a clash between haves and have-nots," one County Councilman told Miss Perlstein. "That is Montgomery County for the next 20 years."
Really. But the Open Borders Lobby told us this wouldn’t happen. They said all the immigrants from Third World countries would assimilate, learn English, become computer geniuses, start software companies and work harder and be more moral than decadent old white Americans, and there wouldn’t be any racial, ethnic or social conflict because mass immigration started bumping into the native population.
Like so much the Open Borders lobby told us, it was all flapdoodle, but leave that aside for the nonce.
The reason Montgomery has become so "mixed" and that this year’s senior class in the school system, as Miss Perlstein gloats in her opening sentence, is "the last group of graduating seniors in Montgomery County public schools to be majority white," is that, instead of bumping into the immigrants, the white people have simply packed up and left:
"As the affluent and middle class embark on a white flight to outer suburbia and minorities and new immigrants settle in their place, the demographic changes reflect a pattern seen across the region and in other parts of the country. In Fairfax County, for example, nearly half the students enrolled in public schools are racial or ethnic minorities, and soon they are expected to outnumber non-Hispanic white students."
And of course this creates yet another "problem" for the problem-solvers to fix, just as they fixed the old problem of too little diversity by importing a new population.
Harvard Professor Gary Orfield [Send him email.] knows how the "problem" can be solved.
Professor Orfield, who specializes in studying patterns of segregation and how to change them, told the Post that "policymakers should look at ways beyond the schools to maintain true diversity, in which populations — and therefore political power and family resources — are more evenly balanced."
Yes, the problem, you see, is not that mass immigration has dismally and obviously failed to live up to the lies with which it was sold but that too many white people still have too much power and "resources" (i.e., money).
That’s what has to be changed.
Meanwhile, the pathetic whites who have left and are leaving Montgomery and Fairfax and who have long since left the District of Columbia are heading for still newer areas — Warrenton, Manassas, Harper’s Ferry, Frederick — where "diversity" is not so common.
After being pushed out of the cities their ancestors built, they build new cities, and after being kicked out of them, still newer ones next door.
Maybe, sooner or later, in about fifty years, the white fugitives from the D.C. area will meet up with the white fugitives from California somewhere around Kansas.
Maybe then they'll start figuring out what happened to them and why they lost their country because of the mass immigration they welcomed and the lies about "diversity" they believed.
[Sam Francis is a nationally syndicated columnist. A selection of his columns,
America Extinguished: Mass Immigration And The Disintegration Of American Culture, is now available from Americans For Immigration Control. Click here for Sam Francis' website.]