Recommended Reading For 2009

By Chuck Baldwin


I would like to take the opportunity this column affords for my annual review of some books that I have found to be extremely helpful and that, I believe, would greatly benefit any American who truly loves freedom and constitutional government. The Old Testament prophet warned, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."That adage is as applicable today as it was then. Truly, our country is being destroyed because of a huge ignorance regarding the principles upon which freedom and liberty rest.

Accordingly, I strongly recommend that readers locate and consume as many of the following books as possible. Some will be difficult to find, while others will be easily obtained.

Of course, I also encourage readers to not forsake the greatest of all books, The Holy Bible. As President Theodore Roosevelt said, "No educated man can afford to be ignorant of the Bible." And as President Andrew Jackson said, "That Book [the Bible], Sir, is the Rock upon which our republic rests."

Obviously, I would not agree with every word or every conclusion propounded by the authors listed above (except the authors of the Bible, of course). Taken on the whole, however, a familiarization with the above volumes would greatly assist any person who desires to contribute to the survival of liberty in these United States of America.

Of course, it is also essential that readers be thoroughly familiar with the three great documents upon which America was founded: the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

For those who are interested in the War for Southern Independence (otherwise known as The Civil War), I recommend the following books:

For spiritual inspiration and enlightenment, I recommend the following works:

I remember someone telling me, "A man is only as great as the people he associates with and the books he reads." There is certainly much truth in that statement. Therefore, we should all choose our friends carefully and drink deeply from the well of good books.

Happy reading!

Dr. Chuck Baldwin is the pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. He hosts a weekly radio show. His website is here.

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