Dutch politician and freedom fighter Geert Wilders has an unusual but eminently sensible idea, namely that we westerners should reclassify Islam as a totalitarian political system rather than a religion. Treating violent Islam like a normal religion certainly misunderstands the ultimate purpose of the jihad movement, that of world conquest where the entire planet would be run according to repressive misogynous sharia law.
When the jihadists say a world caliphate is their aim, they are serious and dedicated to that goal. Hijrah should be a word more in common usage: it means jihad conquest accomplished through immigration, and the current situation of open borders into and within Europe is absolutely deadly.
The Koran does have over 100 verses that promote violence as a way to advance the belief: e.g. (Quran 4:76) — “Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah…”
Back to Geert Wilders, he recently sat down with Ezra Levant of Rebel Media for a half-hour chat about various subjects concerning politics and civilization. The whole thing is worth a listen, though I transcribed the section about reimagining Islam which seems particularly important now, when western societies are jumping through hoops to treat Muslims like Methodists. Imagine if Hitler had insisted the Nazi philosophy was actually a new religion, appropriate to modern times — some would have bought into the scam in order to be thought open-minded. Just as foggy liberals today accuse Islam critics of “racism.”
EZRA LEVANT: (19:40) All across the West, there’s a belief in freedom of religion. Is Islam more than just a religion?GEERT WILDERS: Islam is NOT a religion. I know it sounds crazy, and I know I don’t get a lot of support for that idea, but I strongly believe that Islam might be dressed up as a religion: it has a holy book, it has a temple, it looks like a religion, but it’s more an ideology and a totalitarian ideology than a religion. You cannot compare it with Christianity and Judaism, and you should compare it with other totalitarian ideologies like communism or fascism. I always use one example to prove it — there are many more that — like in communism or fascism, the penalty is death if you want to leave it. I mean, you cannot leave Islam: if you are an apostate, if you are a renegade, the penalty is death, and even today in our societies, let alone in the Islamic societies, it is enacted upon, you know people ARE killed for that reason, and you can leave Christianity, you can leave Judaism.
So and the other point is that Islam wants to rule the world — as you know Islam means to subjugate, wants to rule and dominate and subjugate, not only the person’s life but also a whole society. The rule of God, the rule of allah, the rule of the Quran and the Hadith is the rule of the society. I’m not talking about all Muslims, I’m talking about the ideology, and the idea of ideology cannot integrate and assimilate in a society, it wants to dominate it and it wants to subjugate with violence.
The Quran is full of more violence and anti-semitism than Mein Kampf, for instance. People and academics have proved that, so our biggest mistake is, once again, the false equality that we say that Islam is a religion, so they have the freedom of religion. And I believe it’s not religion; it should not be treated as a religion, and the constitutional freedoms of religion do not apply to an ideology. We would not allow in Holland Nazi schools for instance — it’s another totalitarian ideology. Why do we have Islamic schools? Where young children at five, six, seven, eight years old that we want to integrate, get a job, get Dutch friends, participate fully and equally in the Dutch society are being caught up with the Quran and ideology of hate and thought …
We should stand up and be tolerant to the people or ideologies that are tolerant to us.