Something of an MSM drum roll has begun for the presidential candidacy of former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, for instance CNN: Why Democrats don’t want Huntsman to run By John P. Avlon May 24, 2011
He has a path to the nomination and the distinction of being the Republican candidate that Democrats would least like to run against in the fall of 2012.
Of course that is not a recommendation. In reality the main forces behind a Huntsman run are probably GOP Campaign Consultants, looking to relieve him of part of his fortune as they did poor gullible Meg Whitman. Huntsman has a bad record — as CIS has conclusively documented. Last week he was caught on tape: Breaking With GOP, Huntsman Says Idea Of Border Fence 'Repulses' Him by Alex Seitz-Wald Think Progress May 23rd. There is no point — as so often — in trying to improve on Angry White Dude’s evaluation of this: ONE WORD FOR HUNTSMAN -'ADIOS!'
Stick a fork in this RINO … he’s DONE! Big-Wigs in the GOP are wanting someone just exactly like Huntsman..another moderate dontcha know, they learned zilch from forcing McRINO down our throats, now this joker in a clown suit, plus the Talking Heads on the left are pushing for him as well … that should spell out all you need to know
The reason the MSM want a Huntsman type is that the 2012 election is going to be a straight and obvious split: American Whites versus the Coloreds + Jews. That coalition can only win by depressing the white turnout.