This is my appearance on National FileTV with Mike Lauber [@realMikeLauber] and Corinne Clifford.[@corinnecliford]
We discussed Letitia James’s Lawfare against VDARE.com.
VDare, named for Virginia Dare, the first child born to English settlers in The Colonies, was formed by Peter Brimelow in 1999. The organization was brave enough to ask what immigration policy best serves American citizens and how those reforms could be achieved. This blend of activism and journalism made them the target of all the usual suspects among the left’s alliance of virtue signalling saboteurs. Eventually this graduated to lawfare and using the police power of government to crush free speech and the discussion of ideas that are dangerous to the narrative.
VDare, Lawfare, Free Speech And The Border Invasion W/ Peter Brimelow, NationalFileTV, May 8, 2024