The Refugee Resettlement Watch monthly roundup is up, and Ann Corcoran writes "I’ve started a new blog so that I can write about Election 2016 and immigration (the only issue that matters!). See it here: American Resistance 2016!"
The roundup says:
Longtime readers know that previously we provided a weekly roundup of top stories and top countries (from which visitors arrived at RRW) so that you would know what other followers were most interested in, and where they came from, but I’m thinking once a month is enough.
This roundup also gives me an opportunity to bring new readers up-to-speed on what we have published here over the years and how to find useful information.
Top Three Posts:
Here then are the Top Three posts for the month of January 2016 (top daily posts are in the right hand side bar):
Amarillo, Texas being destroyed by refugee overload
Merkel on Cologne sex assaults: don’t blame refugees
More evidence that big business is a driver of refugee resettlement in America
…For new readers! Here are some things you need to know:
I’ve started a new blog so that I can write about Election 2016 and immigration (the only issue that matters!). See it here: American Resistance 2016!We have over 7,300 posts archived at RRW extending back to the summer of 2007. Use the search window with a few key words to look for information (LOL! before you send an e-mail asking me to find things for you!). Also, see our Frequently Asked Questions and our fact sheet (out of date but still useful) in the header.
I’ve been tweeting a lot and sometimes if I can’t write about a story you send, I tweet it. See our twitter feed in the right-hand side bar. Even if you aren’t on twitter, you should be able to open the links to the news embedded in the tweet. I am @RefugeeWatcher.
Likewise you might want to ‘like’ and follow RRW’s facebook page, here. See it also in the left-hand side bar.
All previous round-ups and this one are archived in a category simply called ‘blogging.’
My video about how the refugee program works is here (over 2.3 million views as of this writing).
All comments you submit are screened and we don’t post threats of violence, most foul language, or ad hominem attacks on other commenters. Sometimes I am away from the computer for many hours, so you may not see your comment posted quickly. And, lately I’ve noticed a delay by wordpress in sending me your comments.
As much as I would love to see you all in your hometowns, I simply don’t have the time to travel. Right now I have a few engagements I committed to sometime ago, but am not taking any more right now. I think I am more useful right here researching and writing. I am thinking of a project for this summer that might take me to other states, but that is still in the ‘dreaming’ stage.
Refugee Resettlement Watch is an entirely volunteer project by me — we don’t raise funds or advertise. Therefore, I have no staff, no help, and so if I don’t answer the hundreds of e-mails I get every day, you know why! And, I do apologize!
P.S. There is so much happening on this subject that I would welcome (I encourage!) others to start blogs on the topic, either to cover your local and state issues or even to pick up more of the load nationally! It does your community no good if you research, find important information (perhaps damning information) and then don’t share it widely!