The New York Times editorializes:
President Obama said on Wednesday that he would act on his own by the end of the year to “improve” the immigration system, presumably by giving many — perhaps millions — of the country’s unauthorized immigrants temporary protection from deportation and permission to work. He has said this before, only to back off in deference to election-year politics.
Now the election is over, and the only thing to say to the president is: Do it. Take executive action. Make it big.I have a compulsive time-wasting habit of responding to the countless NYT editorials in favor of more immigration by pointing out in comments the New York Times Co.’s financial conflict of interest on immigration. They almost never approve these comment, and I hope I don’t get the poor night shift comment moderator fired, but this time they did:
Steve Sailer America 1 hour ago
Shouldn’t New York Times editorials about immigration come with a statement that the 2nd largest shareholder of the New York Times is Mexican telecom monopolist Carlos Slim who profits inordinately upon phone calls between the two countries? The NYT has a massive financial conflict of interest over immigration policy and it should publicly admit it.Here’s the permanent URL for my comment.