Texas governor Rick Perrry has called a special legislative session in order to finish up some budget work, so it’s an opportunity to pass other legislation, maybe even some commonsense legislation. But will it pass?
The Texas Tribune reports that
Three contentious and broad-based immigration and homeland security issues have been rolled into one bill filed today by a Republican state senator. Sen. Tommy Williams, R-The Woodlands, filed SB 9, a bill that includes the controversial “sanctuary cities” legislation and additional policies relating to statewide use of the Secure Communities program. The proposed legislation also outlines new specifications for applications for driver’s licenses and state IDs.
Senator Files Sanctuary Cities, Secure Communities Bill, By Julian Aguilar, July 2, 2011
Here are details:
SB 9 would eliminate state grants for entities that prohibit local law enforcement from inquiring into the immigration status of persons lawfully detained or arrested (commonly referred to as the “sanctuary cities” legislation). State Rep. Burt Solomons, R-Carrollton, filed HB 9, the House special-session version of his “sanctuary cities" bill, HB 12, on Wednesday.
Williams' bill also mandates that law enforcement officers verify through the federal Secure Communities program the immigration status of a person arrested and transported to a detention center. The third provision of the bill requires that the Department of Public Safety index the citizenship status of each person with a driver’s license or ID, and requires that applicants for a license or ID, unless they have already done so, to furnish to the department proof of citizenship or legal status.Why should this even be controversial? Brenda Walker provided VDARE.com readers some information about the drunk-driving, cocaine-carrying illegal alien who killed Houston police officer Kevin Will:
" … the blind-drunk Mexican Johoan Rodriguez, who was also carrying a stash of cocaine, had been deported twice previously … Not only was Rodriguez deported twice, he was stopped by the Houston PD three times in 2009 but was released; he had a valid Texas license he obtained before proof of citizenship was required."This issue relates directly to Texas public safety. So, I ask again, why is it even controversial?
Oh, yes, how can we forget? Having sensible laws that protect public safety might be offensive to Hispanic voters. Really? That’s how the issue has been presented.
As a Reuters article put it delicately, Texas Governor Rick Perry " has to walk a careful line between showing his conservative base he is tough on immigration while avoiding alienating the state’s rapidly growing Hispanic population."
As the media and political consultants tell us, the Hispanic population is growing and it must be obeyed, even if that means saying no to public safety. I mean, why would non-Hispanic Americans have any say over immigration policy?
Here at VDARE.com, we cannot endorse legislation. But I would invite our Texas readers to make your opinions known by writing your legislators and your governor, who is a possible candidate for president.