VDARE reports: This New York lawyer is (we think) the last member of VDARE’s New York family to report in after yesterday’s terrorist attacks. We hope to resume posting tomorrow.
I am fine; many thanks for asking. My office is a block from where WTC was (!), looking across at it, so I saw everything, including all the falling people. I heard what sounded like a low-level fighter, so looked out in time to get a good look at the first jet in. As you can imagine, after that we didn’t look away for long until the buildings collapsed and we all ran for the stairwell. Our building got smoky and dirty; no more. When I went to give blood, they asked all military types to help with rescue. Unfortunately, after hours of aimless milling about, it became obvious that no-one was going to use us for anything, so most of us went home. I hope John was uptown and well out of it.
Thank you for the law review article [on the citizenship clause of the 14th Amendment], it looks great and has some arguments relevant to the recent mail. I’m a little too flustered to read it intelligently just now, though.
September 12, 2001