By Sam Francis
One likely result of the war with Iraq will probably be the further glorification of the multicultural, multiracial America that the architects of the New World Empire seek to build, with the country’s multicultural, multiracial army held up as a model of what American society can, will and should become.
Unfortunately, armies are not very good models of what real, civilian societies are like, and the real civilian version of multicultural and multiracial America is already unfolding in Florida, where it is riddled with ethnic conflict and fierce political rivalry.
The South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports that the arrival of Caribbean immigrants, mostly of African descent, into the state is creating a "rift" within the Democratic Party with traditional black Americans.
The blacks are steamed because they believe — probably rightly — that the arrival of the Caribbeans threatens to deprive the Black Caucus of the political influence it has long enjoyed in the party.
"We think this doesn’t unify us as black people," the president of Florida’s Democratic Black Caucus says. "Even though they are Caribbean, they are people of color."
The point, you see, is not to create the famous "color-blind society" of civil rights era mythology, but to "unify us as black people" — in a word, to create explicit racial consciousness and unity.
Immigration doesn’t help that goal, because it imports other ethnic groups that may not share the same racial identity or the same political interests.
That is exactly what has happened in south Florida, and while what the Sun-Sentinel describes as "the seething Black Caucus members" vowed to ponder the grave step of leaving the Democratic Party entirely if their demands for racial kowtow are not met, the Caribbeans have started their own pressure group — the Caribbean Caucus.
The new caucus contains black immigrants from places like Haiti and Jamaica whose interests are rather different from those of traditional black Americans. "They [the Black Caucus] deal mainly with domestic and civil issues, which are all good," the chairman of the Caribbean Caucus, a black Bahamian, says. "But when it comes to Caribbean issues, we are not on the priority list of the Democratic Party."
One issue the Caribbeans want to deal with that black Americans have little interest in is immigration itself. Not only do the Caribbeans want more of it (to swell their political clout) but also they want to avoid detention when they and their co-Caribbeans arrive here.
Most join the Democratic Party but don’t identify with its Black Caucus, though they do sign up with the party’s other subgroups: The Women’s Caucus, the Hispanic Caucus, the Disability Caucus, and the Triangle Caucus, which includes homosexuals, lesbians, and transvestites.
It ought to be obvious what’s missing from the list: The Plain Old White Male Normal People’s Caucus. Those types, if there are any left in the Democratic Party, have little to say these days, and there are few who want to hear it anyhow.
What is happening among south Florida’s Democrats is what’s happening also in other parts of the country wherever different ethnic groups compete for limited political resources — funds, power, nominations, or just plain attention from office holders.
There just aren’t enough resources to go around to everyone, so only the most numerous and the loudest get any grease, and as older power blocs wither or decline, they and their members lose.
The result is not the multiracial happyland that authoritarian military organization supposedly creates in the armed services but the intensification of ethnic identity and conflict. They get more than we got; we should get more than they get. Depending on how limited and how vital the resources are, this is the formula for racial war.
But it’s a race war that apparently does not and will not include whites, who simply drop out and move away. As the list of approved victim groups above suggests, whites prefer to run than fight, and in south Florida they've run as fast as they could. In 1960 Miami was 85 percent white; in 2000, only 20 percent.
To a large extent, the harmony and happiness that multicultural, multiracial empires are supposed to experience derive from one or two factors: the unwillingness of one cultural-racial group to resist at all, or the ability of one such group simply to dominate all the others and impose peace among them.
As the prophets of multiracialism keep telling us, there’s little prospect for the latter these days, so it’s more likely, if interracial peace does persist, that it will be because one race chooses not to challenge its loss of power and position as other races reach for it.
As the conduct of whites in south Florida and just about everywhere else in the country suggests, there’s little doubt which race that will be.
[Sam Francis is a nationally syndicated columnist. A selection of his columns, America Extinguished: Mass Immigration And The Disintegration Of American Culture, is now available from Americans For Immigration Control.]