From: Jack B. Quick
Re: Today’s Letter: Another Wells Fargo Employee Says Bank Aides and Abets Illegal Immigration
I have been in financial services for 20 years as an insurance broker. I also have a securities license so I can sell pension plans and investments.
A very important concept in financial services is "Know Your Customer." Anyone who doesn’t follow KYC, and it appears some at Wells Fargo are ignoring it, is subject to losing his license and being sued in civil court.
If a customer ever has a problem with a financial transaction the first thing the National Association of Securities Dealers or the insurance commissioner will do is check to see if what was sold to him was "suitable" — that is whether the investment was appropriate based on the clients risk tolerance, income level, net worth, age, etc.
Brokers have no excuse for not knowing their clients. If a broker sells an "unsuitable" security, he may lose his license, his assets and his reputation.
Contrast KYC this with what the whores at Wells Fargo are doing.
Wells Fargo essentially does not want to know its customers.
By relying on useless documents like matricula consular cards and Individual Tax Identification Numbers, the bank is willfully blind. A driver license depending on what state it comes from is slender reed.
While Wells Fargo and other major banks are perfectly content to accept bogus documents from their illegal alien customers, consider what I must go through to get a securities or insurance license.
I must be fingerprinted and go through a criminal background check. Every time I change my broker dealer, I have to repeat this process.
There is a grotesque double standard and smacks of racism to me.
Quick works and resides in the San Francisco Bay area.
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From: [Name Withheld]
Re: A Massachusetts Native Says Cape Cod Is Cracking Down On Illegals
Nantucket is home to the hyper-rich. The median price of homes sold last year was $1.5 million.
The tourist and vacation home industry is key to the local economy. The biggest part of that is the construction of the multi-million dollar homes that sprout up every year. Building them is certainly a job that Americans want to do.
I assumed that the locals would protect these valuable and good paying jobs. Imagine my surprise when I saw Mexicans, illegally in the U.S. I presume, renovating a home I once rented. The entire crew spoke Spanish.
I called the Town of Nantucket Police Department. [e-mail here] The policewoman who answered the phone claimed to have no responsibility for verifying if these construction workers are legal. She suggested that I call the Building Department which I did.
The woman who answered the phone sounded bewildered that I would even ask about immigration status and had no idea what to do. In fact, she was annoyed that I called.
So here I am, trying to protect the good jobs on this island and, to my disappointment, local law enforcement isn’t interested.
The writer has been visiting Nantucket since 1979.
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From: Ron Slade, Sr.
Few outside of VDARE.com readers realize the impact the 1965 Immigration Act had on America’s demographics. Then as now, Senator Edward M. Kennedy played a central role in working against American traditions
With Kennedy’s shocking advocacy of still more immigration 40 years later weighing on my mind, I decided to phone his Washington, D.C. office to ask whoever answered the phone what Senator Kennedy thinks today about his decision long ago.
An unidentified young man answered the phone. When I posed my question, he replied: "I don’t have time for this call." He then hung up in my face.
Not believing what had happened, I phoned back, got another unidentified young man who referred me to a third person supposedly knowledgeable on the subject of immigration.
The aide claimed that the 1965 act "opened the doors" for others. He also told me Kennedy’s support reflected the will of the Massachusetts people.
Non-plussed and a little shocked by the collective rudeness I received (I was never argumentative, but I was persistent), I decided to phone Senator John Kerry, the other Democratic senator from Massachusetts.
"Elizabeth" answered. I began to ask about immigration and to relate my experience with Kennedy’s office. "Elizabeth" immediately dismissed me with: "I don’t have time."
Asking impertinent questions sometimes results in very pertinent answers, even when the answerer is trying to avoid responding
Slade is a retired pharmacist who obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of Mississippi and his doctorate from the University of Arkansas. About Kennedy, Slade says: "I am determined that the identity and culture of my nation will not continue to be subject to the whims of home grown fools, such as Ted Kennedy."
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From: David Pittman
We always hear the phrase " so they can come out of the shadows" applied to illegal alien amnesty. I think we need to coin another phrase for non-elite Americans like me.
The phrase is "so we can go into the shadows"
The only true shadow people in America are middle class workers. Former middle class Americans are now shadow people as they continue to lose jobs to illegal aliens, H-1B visa holders or outsourcing.
Globalist America is deporting thousands of middle class Americans from their decent, stable occupations that offered living wages, health care for one’s self and family and is also robbing them of their once safe communities.
Pittman’s previous letters, including his updated version of the National Anthem, the Civil War-style quality of U.S. health care, and American "temporary" workers are here, here and here.
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From: Greg Reese
I have been reading VDARE.com for years. And I am pleased to report a clear triumph in my hometown of Hazelton, PA, where Mayor Lou Barletta, stood before City Council on July 13 and affirmed, "Enough is enough!"
He then presented to City Council his revised Illegal Immigration Relief Act. Given the national and international media attention that Mayor Louis Barletta had received over the previous few weeks regarding this ordinance, each person in Council chambers knew what a historic moment it was not only for the city but also for the nation as well.
Unlike President Bush, Mayor Barletta responded to the concerns and pleas of his citizens to protect them from the violent crimes that Hispanic illegals are committing in the city and the overwhelmingly negative impact illegal immigration has made.
Mayor Barletta’s enlightenment came on May 10 when Derek Kichline, a native Hazleton resident, was shot point blank in the head and killed outside his home by four illegal Dominicans for no apparent reason. This murder occurred on the same day that a 14-year-old illegal Dominican possessing crack cocaine fired at a playground that is used primarily by Hispanic children.
Because of the rapid increase of Hazleton’s Hispanic community, a 700% growth rate that fueled the Hispanic population from 3 percent of the city in 2000 to an estimated 30 percent in 2006, Mayor Barletta’s proposal has predictably been denounced as being "racist," "bigoted," "discriminatory," and "mean-spirited."
The denunciations have come through the media from the American Civil Liberties Union, the Roman Catholic Church, the Puerto Rican Legal Defense Fund, People for the American Way, and other leftist organizations.
Nevertheless, by a vote of 4-1, on July 13 the City Council of Hazleton pasted a historic milestone by adopting the most restrictive anti-illegal immigration law in the United States with the full support and encouragement of the native residents of the Hazleton area.
As a result, other local communities such as Hazle Township, White Haven, Wilkes-Barre Township either have passed or are considering passing similar ordinances.
And like a small spark that can begins an inferno, cities as far away as Palm Bay and Avon Park, Florida and Escondido and San Bernardino, California are also considering similar proposals.
With the national and international media attention Hazleton has received over the last few weeks, the people of this area have been characterized as "redneck, backwater hicks" filled with "racism" and "hate."
But Hazleton — now celebrating its 150th anniversary — is a city built by true immigrants in a time when immigration was good for America.
As a Hazelton resident, I am proud of what Mayor Barletta and the City Council have done and grateful for the support shown by the rest of the country to us.
As Mayor Barletta said after the passage of the ordinance, "What you saw here tonight was a city that wants to take back what America has given us."
I ask all Americans to follow our lead. Take back your city and together we can take back America.
Remember — resistance is not futile!
Reese’s previous letter about Hazleton is here
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