By Juan Mann
Here we are five years after September 11, 2001 — and the federal government is still as uninterested as ever in receiving reports of illegal aliens and criminal alien residents.
There’s virtually no interest in the executive agencies for getting deportation proceedings rolling against the millions of immigration scofflaws in the country. And there’s even less interest in Congress in setting up a coherent system to (my hobbyhorse) SUMMARILY REMOVE ILLEGAL ALIENS AND CRIMINAL ALIEN RESIDENTS…which just so happens to be perfectly allowable by 100 years of U.S. Supreme Court precedent.
Here’s the proof of the continuing immigration law enforcement disgrace — an e-mail from a reader dated September 7:
I have made reports 3 months ago of the practice of hiring illegal aliens where I work (there are 45 currently there now) to the following agencies: DHS, LOCAL BORDER PATROL OFFICE, INCLUDING 3 MEETINGS WITH 2 BORDER PATROL AGENTS IN PERSON, DEPT. OF LABOR, DEPT OF JUSTICE, SOCIAL SECURITY, IRS, STATE FRANCHISE TAX BOARD, OSHA … and 3 months later nothing has happened!
Please tell me what I can do.
Well, it looks like you've done all you can. Welcome to the futility of this situation … where the federal government follows its own agenda in direct conflict with the citizens. The end-game here is the three-country merger of North America.
The more the federal propaganda for public consumption changes, the more things remain rigged behind the scenes.
Since 9/11, among other things, I've embarked on a one-man crusade to find the most accurate information possible for reporting aliens to the federal government. Here’s the latest word on what to do:
It’s as if doing something to round up and summarily remove illegal aliens, previously-deported criminals, and the expired visa scofflaw crowd who all have no business being in this country is still a strangely unthinkable concept … even for a country allegedly "at war".
Since 9/11/01, I've been writing about the largely unknown U.S. Immigration Court system of hearings and appeals within the Department of Justice, which is a federal agency called the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) that conducts Immigration Court hearings. Ever heard of it?
I've been calling for the litigation-based EOIR to be abolished and replaced with a system of summary removal so illegal aliens and criminal alien residents will actually leave the country.
An extraordinary concept, apparently.
Journalist Michelle Malkin picked up my thesis and published it in her best-selling book, Invasion (pages 215-16), and also in a September 2002 "backgrounder" by the Center for Immigration Studies report called "The Deportation Abyss: It Ain’t Over 'Til the Alien Wins" — [ PDF].
But the silence since than has been deafening. And the EOIR system of Immigration Court hearings, administrative appeals, and more Federal Circuit Court appeals remains as rigged and alien-friendly as ever.
The Immigration and Nationality Act remains as much of a loophole-filled mess shot full of holes as ever.
The federal immigration bureaucracy still lumbers along is all of its litigation-soaked sloth.
As my colleague Ed Rubenstein has shown, workplace enforcement has collapsed — even though the costs of immigration law enforcements are a fraction of the Iraq War.
More government employees collecting Department of Homeland Security paychecks are managed by even more superfluous Washington D.C.-based managers.
Five years after 9/11 and the federal immigration bureaucracy is as much of a disgrace as its most-hated predecessor, the abolished Immigration and Naturalization Service.
The proof is the 20-million-plus illegal aliens in the United States who should be immediately reported and deported … and the fact that the Bush Administration hasn’t done a damn thing about it since 9/11.
Juan Mann is an attorney and the proprietor of He writes a weekly column for and contributes to Michelle Malkin’s Immigration BLOG.