By Sam Francis
Having pulled the Confederate flag down from nearly every pole on which it fluttered, the anti-white lobby still isn’t quite finished. The most recent symbol of the Old South to be reconstructed is the University of Mississippi’s traditional mascot, a Confederate soldier called "Colonel Reb."
The university is still run by whites, but the abolition of the mascot shows clearly how guilt, self-hate, and outright fear drive whites themselves into eradicating their own heritage.
"Col. Reb," as the figure was known or "Colonel Rebel" as an Associated Press story recently called it, was adopted as the school mascot in 1936, when the student newspaper launched a contest to come up with a new nickname for the football team. The team had been called the "Flood," and among the entries for the new name were "Rebels," "Confederates," "Stonewalls," and "Raiders."
The "Rebels" won with a landslide of 18 votes, and Col. Reb first appeared the following year in the university’s yearbook.
The figure therefore has absolutely nothing to do with "racism," "white supremacy" or the rest of the bugaboos in the anti-white zoo.
I’m willing to bet that when the students voted for the Confederate names for the team, they really were not thinking about how the name and a mascot based on it would help them perpetuate white racial hegemony over blacks.
The reason the students suggested and voted for such names was that they suggest something drawn out of their state’s history that is sort of like a football team — soldiers who fought hard and bravely for their cause.
But of course in time the name and the mascot, like the flag itself, were invested with broader and deeper meanings.
They would never have acquired such meanings had the anti-white lobby had the sense to leave them alone. But logically, once you've launched a crusade to rip down the Confederate flag, you have to continue ripping down every vestige of the Confederacy, even if it’s only sports symbols. There are further logical implications as well, which we shall explore anon.
But at Ole Miss, the anti-white lobby generally knows better than to preach hatred of whites and their heritage and symbols openly, or at least it has the brains to know that such arguments won’t sway very many.
Hence, the rationale for changing the team name and abolishing Col. Reb reached for other, more plausible reasons.
The rest of the country will laugh at us. The NAACP might boycott the state. Talented black athletes won’t enroll. We need to put the past behind us.
In the course of persuading themselves and trying to persuade everyone else in the state of the cogency of these arguments, the leaders of the anti-white campaign managed to banish displaying the Confederate flag at football games, the playing and singing of "Dixie" as the unofficial anthem of the team, and calling the annual spring festival on campus "Dixie Week."
Athletic Director Pete Boone has learned his lines well. "The Confederacy is behind us," he spouted to the AP. [Dixie fading at Ole Miss, By Allen G. Breed, AP, July 1, 2003]
He’s not the only one spouting. The AP reports that black Associate Dean Don Cole [] "can still see the hate in the eyes of a female student as she drove by, waving a Confederate flag out the window."
That was in 1969. Apparently Dean Cole has had nothing better to think about since then, and now he has his chance to get back at all those pretty white co-eds who "hated" him.
"I wanted to support the team," he whined to the press, "but I couldn’t, quote, be a Rebel."
Well that brings us to the other implications of getting rid of the Confederate flag.
Implication One is that when you admit racial and cultural aliens into institutions created by and for people of a different race and culture, you're going to have problems.
The newcomers don’t feel comfortable, as Mr. Cole did not, and if they gain power, which eventually they will, they will do all they can to abolish and eradicate those symbols that make them feel like the outsiders they are.
And Implication Two is that it’s not just fairly trivial symbols like Col. Reb, the flags at the football game, the name of the team, and the songs the spectators can’t sing.
It’s everything — everything whites (not just Southerners) ever created and built, from their form of government, to their religion, to their art and entertainment, to what they teach in universities.
Non-whites of all races and cultures are increasingly aware that they just don’t fit in the institutions built by whites, and therefore they demand that these institutions bend to their will.
And the reason they succeed, of course, is that the white leadership of the institutions created by and for whites lacks the brains and the guts to resist.
[Sam Francis is a nationally syndicated columnist. A selection of his columns, America Extinguished: Mass Immigration And The Disintegration Of American Culture, is now available from Americans For Immigration Control. Click here for Sam Francis' website.]